Saying Goodbye to 2013
This is my first post in my new blog, and the last day of 2013.
2013 was not my best year ever. Having recently had loved ones including my mom transition out of this physical experience...well it had a broader and more profound impact than I expected. Since I have a firm faith in the eternal nature of our beings I thought I would be relieved for her to be "RIP=Released Into Paradise", but I was not. The year presented me with a series of less than desirable occurrences like website failures, copyright infringement and a bunch of other things that I do not wish to itemize. I lost connection with my muse. I searched for ways to create without creating but there was no joy.
But life has a way of circling around again, the clouds lift, the skies open, the lights come back on, one's step becomes lighter. Suddenly life is filled with possibilities, every action contains seeds of advancement, favorable occurrences begin to feel normal again.
I listened all month to Wallace D. Wattles from Mike's Spooky Action blog. WOW how much Wallace just simplifies and gets right to the point for a person who really wants to understand how the law of attraction works. The term had not yet been coined when he wrote his books. Wattles' books are in the public domain and I encourage anyone who wants to improve their life to go to Mike's site, download and listen. He reads beautifully. You can hit Mike's tip jar too if you like.
My last painting for the year is called "Burst of Light" and is a lovely, rich and joyful burst of color.
Thanks for visiting.